

I si canto trist


slam dunk

seqüències ...

neu a tokyo...


"The one who follows the crowd will usually go not further than the crowd.
The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been before"
Albert Einstein
tornant a Tokyo

un mapamundi penjat a la paret

live while you are young
one direction
call me maybe
carly rae jepsen


ganbare, ganbaru, ganbate, ganbarimashou...




“El pensamiento de morir y el enigma de lo que habrá después, es el latir de mi conciencia”.
Miguel de Unamuno

"la muerte es una vida vivida. La vida es una muerte que viene”.
Jorge Luis Borges
comprant el primer capítol en anglès i japonès de "One piece"

la nota de l'autor:

"I've been gathering and reading a bunch of reference materials to do this "pirate history". However, the pirates that I admired so much in my youth hardly ever left written records of their history. I guess they were just too busy having fun with their own adventures and they forgot to leave their stories for future generations. That's just the trouble with those damed pirates".

Eichiro Oda, 1997
esmorzant a l'hostal
una parella d'australians jugant a cartes
un noi a l'ordinador
una torrada de pa de motlle massa gruixut japonès...
un tè
sona "father and son"
a la tele uns nens japonesos juguen a la cadira
però si empaten fan un "pedra-paper-tisora"
ganes d'escoltar una cançó a casa
després de més de set mesos
espera el mont Fuji
tornada a Tokyo
un avió
unes hores més
més enllà moltes noves experiències
gent per reconèixer i conèixer de nou
"propera parada"
un estudiant de Tongji a l'hostal
mateix dorm
temple i celebracions


ohayou gozaimasu!

"Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?"

chirch of the light
kasugaoka, ibaraki, osaka
ando tadao

I think I'll try to grab it, even small hands

tsugi wa...
“Mamonaku doa ga shimarimasu, Go chui kudasai.” (The doors are closing momentarily, please be careful.”)
"wasuremono shinai you ni gochuui kudasai" - which means "please make sure you don't leave anything behind"
a una setmana de tornar a Barcelona, els titulars fan vergonya...


哲学の道 Tetsugaku no michi

Nishida Kitarō
i unes hores més tard
matí Kyoto

els llocs varien
el teu pas per ells també...

aprop de "Shukaguin Villa Imperial"


demà, segona visita a Katsura Rikyu
Pale Blue Dot
...La Terra...

From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
—Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, 1997 reprint, pp. xv–xvi

¿Los egipcios eran felices?
Amaban vivir el momento, vestir bien, estar limpios, comer y beber... y mañana ya veremos.

"bicicletes des d'una cantonada"

"un llibre entre les mans"
tram Hiroshima

de tornada a 京都
One Peace

desde Teshima...


l'home sentat al davant
tram, Hiroshima

"the next stop"

"What day is it?" asked Pooh
"It's today" squeaked Piglet
"My favourite day" said Pooh
marxant de Miyajima...
una nena aprenent a caminar amb un so a les sabates al trepitjar...
ongaku pas a pas...


esperant el tram cap a Miyajima

nota: 9/10

comentari rebut:

Buen trabajo, eso sí espeso... filosófico, en esto no hay duda. En broma: quizá Japón te esté afectando como afectó y trastocó a los jesuitas que intentaron cristianizarlo.

pd:"La única diferencia entre un loco y yo,
es que él cree que no lo está,
mientras yo séque lo estoy"
Salvador Dali



un dels cinc gustos i que no coneixia,
l'australià de l'hostal a Hiroshima
paraula origen japonès
encara inconscient de tot l'après
a dues setmanes de tornar
i amb ganes de filosofar
durant el viatge podria escriure mil apunts
d'un llibre
que entre tantes experiències,
no deixen temps per escriure

aprendre deu ser el camí
i tu qui ets?
què busques?
és la teva realitat la verdadera i única?
per què creus que tens la raó?

tot és tant relatiu...

el temps passa ràpid
en un instant

tothom caminant...

els que van viure abans que tu
els que viuran despres que tu
ara, tu... caminant...
imatges diagrames de Hiroshima
dibuixos d'una ciutat ideal

semblant a la que un dia retallant cartolines imaginava...
no esperava que fos aquesta

ni que fos bombardejada un 6 d'agost
mateix dia del meu sant...

rius que s'entreguen al mar



avui llegia la carta d'Einstein a Roosevelt al memorial a Hiroshima...
casualitats de retrobar-se amb una post-realitat despres d'escriure el treball de recerca del Projecte Manhattan... que no es va llegir ningú...
però avui sí, avui buscava entre cada lletra i jo hagués volgut
com els del meu voltant
cremar aquella carta
en la maquina del temps
Einstein volia cremar-se els dits amb els que va escriure la carta,
arrepentiment humà,
una realitat
moltes realitats

La simplicidad es la clave de la brillantez.
Después de todo, cualquier tipo de conocimiento implica auto-conocimiento.

Bruce Lee
com explicar Hiroshima?

... despres de sensacions remogudes i vagar pels carrers...
sortir a correr a la tarda ja nit... atravessant el pont contemplant la lluna plena alineada magicament, avui en el cami cap al memorial
visitant de nou,
ara fosc
... saludar l'espai amb respecte
observar en l'eix
i entre l'esculptura de Tange
la runa
i alla
un instant
estirar-se i observar el cel
en la foscor i entre alguns nuvols
les estrelles alla lluny
recordant lo petit i igual que es a tot arreu
un instant en el temps
aqui mateix
va venir l'infern
una foscor un dia a les vuit del mati

flesh and blood


portes de la pau

isamu noguchi

Many of those who nevertheless want to continue to create architecture may end up going overseas in pursuit of work. Those concerned find it impossible to tell what the future will bring.

Tadao Ando
"The temple bell stops but the sound keeps coming out of the flowers".

" Siempre se llega a alguna parte si se camina lo suficiente. "

¿Podrías decirme, por favor, qué camino debo seguir para salir de aquí? -dijo Alicia.
-Esto depende en gran parte del sitio al que quieras llegar - dijo el Gato.
-No me importa mucho el sitio... -dijo Alicia.
-Entonces tampoco importa mucho el camino que tomes - dijo el Gato.
- ... siempre que llegue a alguna parte - añadió Alicia como explicación.
- ¡Oh, siempre llegarás a alguna parte - aseguró el Gato -, si caminas lo suficiente!

Llimona de Teshima

gener 2013



Christian Boltanski


It's a place you can't easily reach.
It's a quiet, beautiful island that is far from Tokyo
and the other large cities of the world.

It's a trip to listen to one's heartbeat.
The long journey and the time to think are
the important things.

It's almost like a pilgrimage.

"Human beings" are the central motif in my work.
At the root of every work is the human desire
to leave a mark indicating that one was alive.

But the beat of the heart is the ultimate symbol of
human "life."

I had a desire to make an album,
but instead of photographs, fill it with heartbeats.

While indicating that everyone is part of the same family,
this also expresses the intrinsic fact
that no two people are the same.

"Les Archives du Coeur" (Archives of the Heartbeat)

Here people are immersed in a variety of thoughts.

The transicience, fragility, value of human life_

The desire to leave something behind and the idea that
nothing will remain.

"Living a good life"
doesn't mean to remain fixated on youth nor does it mean
to attempt to live a longer life.

It means to accept the natural cycle that begins with birth
and ends with death.

There are people who lived before us and people who will
be born after us.
What's important is the spirit of transmission.

People only come back to life in other's memories.

pd: avui, en una illa increible he escoltat altres cors bategar,
he escoltat el meu i m'he n'he endut uns instant al CD,

me l'enduc al cor



la diferencia en llibertat...
escales lliures al mon de l'art,
l'exactitud en les sensacions mes enlla...

dibuixant amb una estudiant d'art, enveja

converses als hostals


hostel a Naoshima

cami a Naoshima


manga kissa
despres de no ser acceptada a un カプセルホテル nomes per a 男。。。


contemplant andamis acabats

cel post electric muntanya Kobe clar nuvol brillant

pas zebra estudiants xerrant carrer