
I m'han enviat un correu divertit, per part d'un amic d'un japonès que em vaig trobar a l'hostal de Cracòvia...

bé, les preguntes parlen dels españols... UAU!

Finally, Ive got the questions from a friend of mine.

Iam copying and paste the message.
If you ok, please answer these questions.
AND im so sorry if you get angry or feel sad by these questions.

Hello! I am Saki Yamaoka and Yasuhiro's friend.

I send you an messagel because I would like to ask some questions. You might think these questions are something strange, but please answer them. Your answers will be useful for my homework.

Could you choose 3 things which you think it is true and 3 which false.

1.Whenever the Spanish want to be conspicuous, they cry and scream.

2.On national holidays, every transportation stops. The Spanish drink all the time.

3.The Spanish think quietness makes them anxious, so they speak loudly.

4.Paseo is traditional in Spain.

5.Many of the Spanish drive roughly and do not obey traffic regulations.

6.There are very few sexual crimes because everyone likes sex.

7.Siesta is very important for the Spanish, so the Spanish think that people who stay up after eating lunch are strange.

8.Spanish guys sometimes shake hands the moment they kiss on the cheek.

9.Spanish guys make ladies fall in love in a day, part from her in a day, forget her in an hour and make his new girlfriend in two days.

Thank you so much.